Old wounds: Gone… never look back
Never look back
Don’t dare to stare
Old wounds are
To hurt you worst than a hack
Wish them not too come back
At early age, learning by myself
Not trusting any just myself
Only the lonely only myself
Drastic measures, learned myself
Mom worked so hard
Dad forced to make more to ends meet
Life was hard, life was cruel
School came up, easy to make friends
Easy to be caught on others hands
Peer pressure for sure, I reassured
Hopelessly accepted it
Hopelessly not being helped
School became my jail
I never wanted to fail
High school, another option
I decided not to break the motion
Peer pressure for sure
Followed like a shadow
Peer testing for acceptance
And performance
Sinners by choice
Apprentice without a choice
Migration – a solution
Not a petition
Working hard for an illusion
Where’s the fucking motivation?
Gather what you can
As fast as you can
Catch the train to freedom
With no pardon
Getting married
I’m rooting, sadly annoyed
Language made me the best to be acquired
Acceptance in a world learned
White only works
Not other colours
At no other hours
No more hors d’oeuvres
Working hard and devoted
As every one voted
Smarter, grew up better
Experience made me the master
Holding a title, the later
Happiness? Still no where to conquer
No one to ask her about
A teapot about to release pressure
It’s spout never to work for sure
Learned practicality
A master in continuity and maturity
Lost purity I must exercise quality
Working my ass off practically
A slap in the face
Shall I risk all my aces?
What about life price
I’m still young
Who cares?
A door opened
I took it, I did not closed it
Making sure it was only for me
It bounced back on me
It hurt so bad it made mad
Obligated I took it instead
Heavy as lead
Stuck in my head
Prostrated in bed
Only myself to fed
At the pinnacle of my life
My veins I feel to cut sit s knife
Alone, without a wife
Lost never found
I’m lonely abound
Again I’m sitting here
I look back but I don’t stare
It is hard to share
It is hurtful to spare
A lesson never learned
A life found I wasted
Old wounds come alive
Stings so bad as stingy cuts
I did not understand
Just stand in front of the mirror
And with horror
Accept this old wounds
That still hunts around