Heartless Heart

🍁Chacha Jaramillo✏️✍🏻
2 min readJan 18, 2022


I know

Deep in my heart

Do I have a heart?

Deep in my soul

Can I still save my soul?





Feel it in my thoughts

Never brought

I feel deceived

So much given away

So little received

Back my way

Is it me over spending

Without mending

These feelings surprisingly


Under my skin

Painfully break in

I don’t how to stop this pain

Like a robber

I’m sober


My sobriety

I’m not drinking

I’m all just thinking

Wondering the meaning

Of my fears just surfacing


A distraction

Do I need motivation?

To incite

My new recite

Where once was love

Now there’s nothing to prove

I must move

And leave behind my love


And fears

Starting again

Doesn’t guarantee any gain

I’m back again

To experience more pain

I don’t want to get suck

Again and again it sucks

Into the black hole

Where everything sucks

Where everything rotates around the pole

Popping and grinding

Nothing has a value no meaning

Where nothing

Is staying away

I must duck

Watch out oh fuck!

And move away

Retrieve is the last

An advice to follow very fast

A foot lose

On the loose

Running away

Is a good way

To retrieve

I believe

No where to go

No one should’ve mentioned long time ago

I’m human

I have feelings

I opened up to you man

Now he is imagining

It was never brought in the begining

A play

I have to pay

Now he’s getting away

I’m after a heart

I feel my poor heart

towed away

My feelings

Apart again

I got nothing to gain

Pain again

Feeding my heart

With pain is the main

I’m back knto chain gain




🍁Chacha Jaramillo✏️✍🏻

Hello everyone!👋I found writing helped me cope with anxiety and mental health. My stories relate how resilience helps you with overcome life’s obstacles♉️